
Archive for the ‘Seasons of a Mom’s heart’ Category

Ashley and Joe wanted their wedding to symbolize Christ in all that was said and done and God’s spirit was truly felt the entire day.  From the music, to the words spoken to the prayers God’s presence was felt.

Ashley and Joe chose this beautiful song to be played as their wedding march.  If you listen to it, around the 2 minute mark is when the church double doors opened, and in walked Ashley and her dad.  (Your Love Is by John Foreman)

It was truly beautiful.
Following the ‘who giveth this woman’ we entered into a time of prayer and worship. 
The kids chose: Take My life by Chris Tho*mlin, and Kari Jo*be, The More I Seek You.
Truly woderful songs and God presence was abounding.
Ashley’s dad shared a message on marriage and he spoke great truths not only into the hearts of Ashley and Joe, but also for those within the congregation.  Marriage is truly an amazing ‘gift’ from God and something that we cannot take for granted.
Of course, no wedding would be complete without precious children being involved.
I LOVE how the young girls sat so pretty:

and the boys…well…they needed to relax a little more. πŸ™‚
As part of the ceremony Ashley and Joe had a time for communion and lighting of their unity candle, followed by the elders of their church (as well as both sets of parents) having a prayer time over their new covenant.
After the….you may kiss your bride…
Mr and Mrs Joseph Al*berts were presented to the congregation.
As the bride and groom left the sanctuary they played this song, “What Joy”
The song truly gave me goosebumps knowing that their is truly JOY for those who’s hope is in the Lord.
As the remaining bridal party began to make their exit Tim and I remained standing on the platform waiting for our turn to exit.  Our son Andrew was to be the last person to leave before the family and as he was preparing to leave, we could see he was very emotional.  As he began to walk, he turned and came up on the platform and hugged both his father and I.  Truly…and emotinoal moment.

After the parents left the sanctuary, Ashley and Joe walked back down the aisle and personally greeted each person attending the wedding as they exited the sanctuary.

Following the wedding we had a (roughly) 45 minute photo shoot with an amazing photgrapher who flew in from France for a conference and offered to take photo’s of the wedding as well.
Here are the boys doing push ups before the wedding.

The bridal party

Ash’s 2 best friends Justine and Chelsea
Entire bridal party
Ashley with her new family

Cake cutting

I LOVE the look on the boys faces as they study the cake

This is an amazing photo of Joe and Ashley with all the kids.  So precious.

I so ❀ Ashley’s nanny kids…Taylor and Brandon
Unlike most receptions today that are held off-site, Ashley and Joe chose to have their reception in the churched fellowship hall. For some reason, I didn’t snap any pictures of the hall…I’m hoping the photographer did.  We had it decorated oh so cute…and when I find some pictures…I’ll be sure to post them.
Following the reception we had a sparkler lighting ceremony as the bride and groom ran from the church to their ‘get-away’ car. 
A perfect day…surrounded by perfect memories that will forever be etched upon my heart. 
The only times there were tears of sadness were when the bride and groom drove away.
Ashley’s sweet little nanny kids (Taylor and Brandon) were heart broken!  Poor Brandon said, “I didn’t get to kiss the bryd good bye.”  So precious.
The happy couple just returned last night after spending 11 days in Maui…Ashley’s favorite place.
And last…but not least…one of my FAVORITE pictures of Ashley with her nanny boy Brandon!! 

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Hey friend~
It seems like FOREVER since I’ve last blogged so I thought I’d give a quick update today just so you all know I’m still here! πŸ™‚
First, the WEDDING….it was simply amazing and the happy couple are in Maui as we speak STILL enjoying their honeymoon.
Here are a few pictures for you to enjoy!
Ashley with her best friend Chelsea ❀

The new couple ❀
Ashley getting ready
Tim and I at the end of the service just before we exited
My Mom and Ashley

Ashley with her favorite little man…Brandon who she nanny’s for.
What a precious picture. ❀
We rested Sunday, then began to move on Monday to another town about 25 miles away. 

As if moving wasn’t enough…I injured my knee in the process so I’m sporting one of these:

ο»Ώand I’m heading back to the doctor on Wed to find out if I tore my MCL.  BLISS.
More updates will be coming as I share the details of the past 2 weeks.
Have a great week everyone.

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I simply do not know where the time has gone and how 3 months have quickly turned into 5 days.  This past weekend I started thinking….this is Ash’s LAST ….. fill in the blank. The lasts are quickly coming and I step back and wonder where on earth has the time gone?
When did she go from this:
to this:
It seemed like it was just yesterday when I walked down the aisle and said, “I Do!”
I’m amazed at how life moves forward taking us into new seasons in what seems like a blind of an eye. Much to ponder….much to remember and my husband and I find ourselves haveing MANY late night/early morning talks about just how fast our :”Nachie” has grown up.  It’s truly amazing to listen to my husband share his thoughts and feelings about what this week entails as he prepares to ‘give her away’.  This song pretty much sums it up:
Ok…now that I’ve put my kleenex away…back to wedding mode. 
I’m a planner…an organizer….and to help me out, I created this:
Yes….I’m that Mom!  πŸ™‚  Within the pages of this binder you will find all the details spelled out in black and white.  Each day you’ll find a list of ‘things to do…and who needs to do them’…right up to the end of the reception.
Call me crazy……but being organized helps me feel like we have this wedding together…even if we don’t.
Tonight we are joining Joe and his family for dinner as we lay out the ‘game plan’ for the week.  I’m sure I’ll be wearing these……as we’ll be moving at lighten speed!

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We are in full weding planning mode and with each passing day, memories and lessons are being learned so I thought I’d jot them down for future reference! πŸ™‚

1-Dai*ry Queen is becoming a staple some days as we race there before they close.  I’m truly enjoying these times as we sit around the table as a family taking a break and spending time laughing.  There’s something special about sitting back…watching…and observing our adult children laugh and carry on.

2- I’m mastering the art of  ‘holding it together’ while Ashley teeters on the ledge of stress.  Oh my!!!  I’ve got the smile down pat, and the tone of my voice is happy giving off the impression that, ‘everything is fine’ even in the midst of chaos.  After spending 4+ hours assembling, stuffing and using a glue gun with fancy glue sticks and fancy dancy monogramed tool we realized we made an error on the invitiations.  This week we headed BACK to the printer and last night we finished re-addressing ALL the invites and we once again began recreating the invites. (Trust me…we ALL proofed the invites again) πŸ™‚

3- Pizza not only makes a great meal for dinner…but a great breakfast food as well.  It really does. πŸ™‚

4-There is absolutely NOTHING wrong with people using paper plates and standing to eat dinner.  Who needs to sit at the table when said table has been transformed into ‘wedding central”?

5.Being organized is truly a gift from God and I’m SO thankful that I’ve been gifted in this way.  However, planning a wedding has many characateristics which force one to be able to turn on a dime and be ok with staying on a fast moving train.  Daily….ok..let’s be real…somedays moment by moment I remind myself that all to soon this season of our lives will be over and I’ll have ALL the time in the world to myself.  So for today, I’m enjoying the chaos and hey, I’ll have plenty of time to mop the floors and clean the toliets.after the wedding.  πŸ™‚

6. Being blessed to have a front row seat watching the beauty of God’s love unfold in the lives of Ash and Joe.  I see it and hear it in the tone of voice as Ash chats on the phone with Joe.  I see it and hear it in the sweetness of their embrace each time Joe comes over.  I see it and hear it in their conversation as they dream dreams, and make plans for their future.  I’m truly BLESSED beyond measure to see God’s perfect plan unfolding for our daughters life.

7. Running is truly an amazing stress reliever!  I truly treasure the days I’m able to get out on the running trails and run like the wind.  Ok..who am I kidding?  I’m sure it’s more like running at a snails pace…

8. Contentment-each night as we lay in bed I love to hear the sounds of the kids downstairs playing games, laughing, talking and simply…just living life as we wait for the special day to arrive…..and I love the conversation that takes place between my husband and I as we dream about the future God has planned for our kids…and pray about ours knowing that we too, are entering a new season as we prepare to have our daughter move on.

9. And last but not least….this Mamma needs a wedding shower for herself!  Many of my favorite pamper*ed chef items are finding a new home with Ashley.  We love pampered chef items and many of mine are moving on…..so unless the hubs wants to eat cereal every night once the wedding takes place…I think I may need to plan a wedding shower for ME! lol

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Almost 2 years ago I wrote this post about a new chapter in our lives. This past weekend another new chapter has unfolded in our lives.
We are planning a wedding!!
We are now on the fast track with  82 days to get everything ready by September 17th. 

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During the month of January our church has been having a series called: “Getting your home in order”.  The series kicked off with a message on ‘Getting a Real Vision for your Home“, followed by “Finances”,  then, “Getting your Home up to Code.”

This past Sunday, my husband and I were blessed and honored to co-teach on marriage.  Marriage is truly a ‘gift’ from God, and sadly, our culture has tainted the way many within (and without) the church view it.   Marriage is HARD work, and we need tools (small groups, mentorship, preaching from the pulpit) to help us grow our marriages into what God has ordained them to be.

If you are interested in hearing the message click here.  The message is called:

“Pursuing the Perfect Marriage”

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In September 2007 I wrote a post called, “it’s time” that you can read about here. Now, 3 short years later we find ourselves dealing with the words, “it’s time” once again; only this time, it’s with our son Andrew.

This week has found us busy organizing, packing, and shopping as we prepare to move Andrew to college this weekend.  (can you believe that twenty-four years ago I myself packed up to head to the same university???)  Yet, for me, a bigger part of the process has been walking through the halls of my heart remember yester-year.  As I’ve taken those walks my heart has truly been full of so many amazing memories and I’m so thankful that those things will be hidden in my heart forever. Yet, it’s so hard to believe that 18 years have passed by so quickly.

I’ve heard that we need to give our children two things: roots..and wings. We’ve made it through the *root* times in our lives…and now, we are focused on the wings!!!

You Dad and I prayed that our second child would be a boy….and boy…oh boy were we happily surprised when you entered the world weighing in at 8lbs, 12 oz…and 23 inches long.  We marveled then at how big your hands…and feet…were, and little did we know, that those would be the tools God blessed you with as you used them to honor him with basketball.

You were truly a ‘stinker’ when you were little, and often I thought your strong will would get the best of me. I remember (as if it were yesterday) how many times I read Dr. Dob*son’s book ‘strong will*ed child, and how the pages were well soiled.  You were fearless when it came to discipline and I remember how you use to get your personally decorated wooden spoon yourself when you were naughty! Ha! 

Then, somewhere around the age of 7 or so…that strong…strong will changed, and a boy with a gentle-spirit and humor came out and compassion was something that easily flowed from you!

You by far have the funniest personality in our family and your sense of humor is truly something I’m going to miss on a daily basis!  No longer will you come bounding up the stairs and into our room at curfew time to say, “hey I’m home“…and then fist pump me!   Who will be there to hide around the corner and scar me to death?  Who’s going to be there to laugh ‘secretly’ with me at your dad when he’s on one of his rants?  Who’s going to aggravate me to death…and then in the next second, make me laugh?  Who’s going to come down the stairs into the family room and ask if they can sit with me on the over stuffed chair and watch a movie?  Who’s going to ask me in that funny voice, “ya wanna cuddle”?  

As much as I’ll miss you terribly, I’m overjoyed knowing that God has a truly amazing plan for you as you walk into your next.  I know this, because I’ve been in awe as I’ve stepped back and watched as God unfolded your path as you’ve chosen the college to attend, and how God’s moved, and worked things out for you to not only continue on with your gift for basketball by playing for a DIII school; BUT by leading and guiding your steps to attend a Christian University that will pick up with your spiritual journey…where your Dad and I will be leaving off.

You’ve truly grown, and matured over the past few years and we are just SO proud of the young man you are becoming.  With each passing year, I see your FAITH in the Lord growing, and I’m so thankful that you are taking the things of the Lord seriously.  As you begin this new chapter, our prayer for you is that God’s will becomes so real and fresh in your heart and life.  God orders our steps…and he does have an amazing plan.

In closing, I’ll quote your favorite Bible verse which says,
“For an upright man, after falling seven times, will get up again” Prov 24:16

Andrew…I’m so thankful that God has revealed to your heart to always dream…always take that step of faith…and even if you fall…he will help you get back up again!

Your Dad and I are so VERY proud of you!!  We love you….

p.s. get yur head bobbin’…keep yur toe tappin’ πŸ™‚

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Just a few more photo’s to wrap up the Graduation Open House weekend.
Andrew with my parents (left) with us, and with Tim’s parents (right)
Above are a few of the decorations I made. 
and…the garage…..
We truly had a wonderful time…celebrating Andrew!
Oh…and I ALMOST forgot….I made these YUMMY Hostess Cream filled cupcakes.  You can find the recipe here.  These little numbers…were a HUGE hit!

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I’ve so enjoyed the past 11 days off of work preparing for, and enjoying Andrew’s High School graduation. I’ve been planning, and preparing for weeks and I had a notebook full of daily things that I needed to ‘check’ off of my ‘things to do list.’  Of course, this was NOT on my ‘things to do list’, 
but, thankfully no one was hurt and we have good insurance. Due to the accident I was one day behind on my list of things to do….but I quickly recovered and the rest of the week went much better than the first.
I thought I’d share a few photo’s of Andrew’s Open House.  Of course, we did things a little ‘backwards’ having his Open House on Saturday, and he didn’t graduation until Sunday afternoon.  But, since we had family coming into town, I wanted to take advantage of having everyone together so we did lots of celebrating. 
I’ve come to realize that different parts of the country do different things for Graduations…and here in the north…people make this a huge event.  Most of Andrew’s friends were either roasting a pig, catering the meal…so I decided to do something different. Something much less spendy…but something I knew people would enjoy.  I decided to have a “Dessert Buffet’ and it truly was a hit.
Here’s what we served:
2-huge punch bowl desserts (one all chocolate…and one…was cherry)
a s’more roasting station
3 different kinds of bars (brownies, 7 layer bars, chocolate peanut butter bars)
oreo’s dipped in white chocolate
root beer floats
a candy bar (we filled four bowls with Andrew’s favorite candies)
and LOTS of coffee…as it was a rainy afternoon…but thankfully cool!
Here are are a few pictures of the Open House for you to enjoy!
Andrew, me, my dad and my grandfather
My younger brother, me, my older brother, my dad, and my grandfather

The grandkids with Great-Grandpa
Ash, Andrew, Tim and I
Congrat’s banner I made for Andrew
Yummy desserts
Graduation Cake
Andrew with his cake
My guy…and I  πŸ™‚
More pictures to come…..I still need to download the graduation photo’s.

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During the past few weeks my mind has been mulling over all the possibilitiies of how we might host Andrew’s Open House as his upcoming graduation from high school quickly approaches.  My thoughts are being bombarded with what the “Jone’s” are doing; focusd on God’s plan for Andrew’s open house, and what he’d like us to do!  There’s so much that could go into planning an event like this, and I know from planning Ashley’s party it can truly be a stressful day, and this time, I’m choosing to be much more casual.  Of course, how do you know what you are doing when you plan your first borns open house?? 

God has truly been showing himself ‘faithful’ to us each step of our way through the final month of Andrew’s high school year, and we’ve had a lot of time to reflect, remember, and cherish all that God’s blessed us with.

Our lives will truly be crazy busy full the next 2 weeks as this season in our lives comes to a bend in the road.  And, although this chapter will all too soon end, I’m looking forward to that which the Lord has just up ahead as we round the next corner. 

Although Andrew will be spreading his wings and flying off to his next, I’m so blessed to know that we’ve provided him with a strong foundation  so that as he spreads his wings, he is ready to fly.

The next 2 weekend will be jammed packed with lots of yard work, cleaning out the garage and going through more photos….and beginning to “create” the centerpieces…and displays.  And, in the event you are interested..here’s a sample of what we’ll be enjoying at the Open House….and yes….there will be LOTS of chocolate involved…and I promise I’ll try to post pictures after the blessed event!

*photo’s – google

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